I know exactly what you're thinking:
It's so annoying, isn't it? Every time you scroll through your Facebook feed, you're bombarded with all of your friends selling SOMETHING! It used to be the obligatory Tupperware party or Mary Kay gathering. At least there you could get some great free food, maybe win some prizes, and walk away with some great new stuff (that would be delivered while your husband was at work hopefully!)
Now, it's in your face. Every. Single. Day. So many people out to get rich quick.
Well let me give you some real life talk. 9 times out of 10, the folks who are peddling their goods aren't getting rich - instead, they've found a great product that they personally use and enjoy, and have gotten wonderful results, and they want to tell you about it too! It's basically a friend recommending a product to you, same as they would if they found something amazing at Meijer, or Home Depot, or Kohl's.
So when I start yakking at you and telling you all about these amazing products I happen to personally use, sell, and promote, I'm not pushing them because I'm trying to make a dime off you (cause seriously, if that were my reasoning, I'd have kept these secrets to myself!!) It's because I think these things are the bees knees and I want to share my amazing deals and finds with you! Take it as a compliment that I love you enough to share!
(PS - Beachbody, Plexus, and Younique all get delivered while your husband is at work! - It's not just Mary Kay and Tupperware who know what's up!!) :)
Here's another coaches thoughts on the subject: http://www.teambeachbody.com/member/journal/-/journal-entry/rainbowmandy/56713529
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