

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Back in Business

I'm BACK!  And this time, I'm hopefully here to stay!  It's summer time and I've got a few minutes to kill while the kiddos play in the pool, and I put off housework and enjoy the summer sun.

 (Well, not at the moment.  At the moment, yes, I'm avoiding housework, but it's actually tickin' close to midnight and I SHOULD be sound asleep in bed!  Details, details!)

It's time to get this blog up and running and start sharing some CRAZY amazing products with you, as well as my experiences!  You're going to start learning a TON about Beachbody workouts, healthy food choices, and challenge groups, this amazing new product I discovered recently called Plexus (hellooooo healthy GUT!!!), and some incredible makeup that I discovered and will NEVER return to drugstore products!  Are you ready?  GOOD!  Because it's going to be a crazy ride!

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