

Thursday, July 14, 2016

21 Day Fix Cheat Sheet

The Beachbody Crowds go WILD!  

21 Day Fix!  

It's so easy!  It's only 3 weeks!  It's only 30 minutes!  We can DO this!!!

AND we can look like Autumn Cabrese in NO time!  Let's GO!!!


There's a few "pre-planning" things you need to do first to make sure that your 3 weeks are a TRUE success!
1.  SCHEDULE YOUR WORKOUT: Put in on your calendar, set your phone alarm, bribe your kids with movies and money- whatever you need to do, get it on your schedule and DON'T CANCEL on yourself!  You'd never cancel a meeting with your boss, sooooo.......  GET IT DONE!

2.  EAT, EAT, REPEAT: You think - hmm...21 days worth of meal plans is so overwhelming!  AH!  Here's a little trick: It's 3 weeks.  Figure out about 3-4 lunch (or breakfast) meals total, 4-5 dinner meals total, and just eat them again!  For example: I usually eat fruit with a small bit of protein for breakfast, Shakeology for lunch, so all I have to plan for my entire 3 weeks is about 4 dinner meals, and have snacks in the fridge, and I'm DONE.  DONE, I say!

3.  SPEAKING OF SHAKEOLOGY: If you aren't drinking it, START NOW!  This is an easy way to get your dense nutrition in!  If you're not a breakfast person, you need to become one, and the easiest way is to grab a shake on your way out the door in the morning.  I personally struggle with lunches...I don't have time to pack a lunch for work, and at home, I just graze on whatever the kids are eating.  Not anymore!  During work months, I mix up my Shakeology drink the night before and grab it on my way out the door the next morning.  During the summertime, I put a few things of crushed ice in my Shakeo cup, add almond milk and my powder, shake, shake, shake, and head back out to to the pool.  WINNING!!

4. ACCOUNTABILITY:  Join a challenge group (hello - PRIZES!), grab some friends (Get your meanest friends who will call you at 11pm at night and MAKE you workout if you haven't done it already - the ones who will SHAME you if you eat the donut at work.  You know the people I'm talking about!)  You can't do this alone! (I mean, you can, I guess, but what fun is that??)

5.  JUNK FOOD - BE GONE!:  Cleaning time!  Go through your cupboards and your fridge - lock away (or throw out, if you're super hard core!) anything that will tempt you and that goes against your fitness goals.  And another tip - STOP buying crap food!  Don't buy it for your spouse or your kids - they don't need it either!!  Remember - you're setting an example for your kiddos - if you won't eat it, why would you give it to them??  (PS - getting rid of the junk food is not an open invite for eating all you can before you start your diet!)

6. KISS:  No - not literally - thought it DOES burn calories!  I mean Keep It Simple, Stupid!!  Don't get overwhelmed with the cute colorful boxes and the workouts, and the schedule, and the expectations - AH!  Keep your meal planning as simple as possible, get your workouts in, DRINK WATER, and relax!  If you mess up, get back at it!  Don't give up - you're too awesome for that!!!

For more tips, quips, and Beachbody info, comment below or head over to

Oh - two more thoughts:  WATER is your friend - both drinking, and soaking in! 
Also - those cute little containers - yeah - make sure you can put the lid on.  If you can't, it's too full :)

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