

Friday, June 2, 2017

Just Keep Moving! 3 Day Detox - Day 2

Today has been a whirlwind - BUT - a low stress whirlwind - which helped day 2 of my 3 Day Detox fly by!  I prepped everything last night and packed up my meals in a cooler today because I was away from home and needed "food!"  I wasn't going to go off plan (even though there were donuts in the lounge, and my family ate lunch at Culver's...)  I kept strong!  Willpower being tested, for sure!!

Here's what day 2 looked like: 

Breakfast: It doesn't look so appetizing because it sat for a few minutes and separated, but once I shook it up, and of course, added Plexus, it was actually quite delightful!

 Lunch:  Apparently we're having a green theme today!  My early breakfast didn't necessarily leave me full, but I never got around to drinking my lunch smoothie until about 1:00 - and even then, I was running from one store to another, so I only got a few sips in here and there - which was perfect, since dinner wouldn't come for MUCH later than I'm used to!

Dinner:  YUM!!! Finally some "real" food!  It wasn't nearly enough to satisfy me, but at least it was something to chew and not just drink down!  I have the same meal for lunch tomorrow...already looking forward to it!
Day 2 Review: Over all, today was easier than yesterday - even though I'm still hungry - I know that I just need to drink some water and go to bed, and I'll be fine.  I "may" have snuck a peek at the scale this morning and liked what I saw!!  I am experiencing extreme tiredness, but I can't tell if that's from lack of calories (likely) or simply from non-stop movement all day  (I didn't exercise, but I managed to log over 14,000 steps!  Shopping is apparently rewarding!)  My guess is that it's a combination of both.  Tomorrow is another busy day away from home for this Mama, but I've already prepped breakfast and lunch, so I should be able to properly avoid non-detox food!  Onward I go!

PS - a new bag of Shakeology came today!  Thank goodness!  My husband has been using mine all up - time to double up our order if he's going to keep working out and eating healthier!!

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