

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Detox Results

THE END!  I did it!  I stuck with Danette May's 3 Day Detox from beginning to end and I'm STUNNED with my results!!


9 POUNDS - GONE!  Seriously - 9 full pounds! But there's MORE!

I lost inches too!!

  • 1-1/2" from my waist

  • 1" from my hips

  • 1-1/2" from my butt

  • 1/2" from my thigh

  • Nothing from my bust (phew!  I've got nothing to lose there!!!)

That's a grand total of 4 1/2" from 5 different measurements!!!

Plus, I felt AMAZING! did I handle today?  With all the food options available to me again?? 

I was starving when I woke up, and I was excited to have a cup of coffee (something I only treat myself to on the weekends).  I didn't NEED coffee, or CRAVE coffee, but I just wanted to sit on the deck and sip a cup of joe.  I also had a nice ripe peach, since they needed to be eaten.  

Around 10:30, I was hungry again, but not having any specific cravings, but there were bread puffs that I'd been saving since Thursday in the fridge, so I heated those up and indulged.  Carbs - yes, yummy - yes, but nothing as exciting as I'd hoped.

I got busy and forgot to eat lunch, so I was pretty hungry once dinner time rolled around.  Again, no cravings, and I didn't feel like anything heavy (the heat takes the desire for heavy food away too).  Chicken with shredded cheese melted on it, and some fruit. 

I love not having cravings, and not really feeling the need to fill my face with food just for the sake of eating.  I'll be checking back in one week to see if the results stay off after a week of eating "normal," or if the 3 days was just a flash in the pan! 

With Monday starts another crazy busy week. If I've learned anything from the last three days, it's that you need to plan and prep everything!  So - off to the kitchen I go!!!  Lunch tomorrow is easy - it'll take me 3 seconds to throw together my yummy chocolate shake!!!!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Welcome to the Finale: 3 Day Detox - Day 3!!


I MADE IT!!!  Three days of sticking with Danette May's 3 Day Detox.  Was it easy? Actually, it was much easier than I expected.  Picking the perfect time to do a detox is the key.  For me, I haven't been home to do much more than sleep the last 3 days.  Which means my food had to be prepped and travel with me, but diet-wise, it kept me from eating out 5 times in the last 3 days!  So, not only did I win health-wise, but regardless of how much the ingredients for the last three days cost me, I saved money!!!  It helped me to not be home with the option to snack (my personal downfall).

I also never stopped moving the last three days - which makes for some tired and weary muscles, but it kept my mind and body busy and not thinking about food.  Evenings are my biggest "fail" time, and not getting home until late in the evening and knowing I can't eat anything, has kept me on track.

So - now for today's breakdown...
The first thing I noticed was that I slept SO well last night and woke up feeling ready to face the day.  I was seriously asleep last night as my head was hitting the pillow, so I'm guessing the good sleep came from complete exhaustion.  But I was surprised to wake up with morning with energy - after only 5 hours of sleep!  That was such a nice change from being groggy when the alarm goes off.

I was admittedly skeptical about all the
floaties in my breakfast!!

Breakfast: What an interesting combination.  From the looks of it, I really didn't expect to be able to drink this mixture - too many floating pieces of parsley and kale.  (SIDE NOTE - if you are a "texture" person, this detox is NOT for you!!)  However, with the help of my all powerful Plexus powder, this little green delight was actually - delightful!!

Lunch: I found myself really hungry today around 10:30a and wishing desperately that I could just buy some yummy, greasy festival food - but I powered through, and didn't even get around to eating lunch until 12:30p (late for my normal "schedule.") Lunch was a repeat of yesterday's dinner, with the welcome addition of some Mango.

Dinner:  While the rest of the family dined on McDonald's for dinner (in the car, swarming scents galore) I waited an extra hour to have my last Detox meal at home.  A filling shake, and boom - the 3 Day Detox is only missing a goodnight's sleep and it will be complete!

Thoughts so far: I'm hungry - most of the time it doesn't bother me, because, like I said, I haven't had time to dwell on it.  But I know that if I'd been home doing my typical weekend house chores, I would have been miserable.  Keeping away from the house, and keeping busy helped me stay distracted. 

This is definitely not a detox for anyone who is bothered by textures (yes, I'm repeating myself!)  Most of the concoctions have chunks of kale, parsley, or other greens in them - and they're mixed with water, so the drinks are runny and not thick enough to disguise the greens.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the scale and measuring tape say tomorrow!  Final reports coming soon...

I'm already looking forward to my next detox will be Beachbody's 3 Day Reset!  (Watch for posts to come in a few weeks!!)  I've done it before with fantastic results - I KEPT the weight off! - that's the real testimony to a product for me!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Just Keep Moving! 3 Day Detox - Day 2

Today has been a whirlwind - BUT - a low stress whirlwind - which helped day 2 of my 3 Day Detox fly by!  I prepped everything last night and packed up my meals in a cooler today because I was away from home and needed "food!"  I wasn't going to go off plan (even though there were donuts in the lounge, and my family ate lunch at Culver's...)  I kept strong!  Willpower being tested, for sure!!

Here's what day 2 looked like: 

Breakfast: It doesn't look so appetizing because it sat for a few minutes and separated, but once I shook it up, and of course, added Plexus, it was actually quite delightful!

 Lunch:  Apparently we're having a green theme today!  My early breakfast didn't necessarily leave me full, but I never got around to drinking my lunch smoothie until about 1:00 - and even then, I was running from one store to another, so I only got a few sips in here and there - which was perfect, since dinner wouldn't come for MUCH later than I'm used to!

Dinner:  YUM!!! Finally some "real" food!  It wasn't nearly enough to satisfy me, but at least it was something to chew and not just drink down!  I have the same meal for lunch tomorrow...already looking forward to it!
Day 2 Review: Over all, today was easier than yesterday - even though I'm still hungry - I know that I just need to drink some water and go to bed, and I'll be fine.  I "may" have snuck a peek at the scale this morning and liked what I saw!!  I am experiencing extreme tiredness, but I can't tell if that's from lack of calories (likely) or simply from non-stop movement all day  (I didn't exercise, but I managed to log over 14,000 steps!  Shopping is apparently rewarding!)  My guess is that it's a combination of both.  Tomorrow is another busy day away from home for this Mama, but I've already prepped breakfast and lunch, so I should be able to properly avoid non-detox food!  Onward I go!

PS - a new bag of Shakeology came today!  Thank goodness!  My husband has been using mine all up - time to double up our order if he's going to keep working out and eating healthier!!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

But I'm So HUNGRY!!! 3 Day Detox - Day 1

3 Day Detox - Day 1

 Here we GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  For those of you just tuning in, I'm playing the part of guinea pig for you and blogging about Danette May's 3 Day Detox. 

Pre-breakfast is a shot of ACV with lemon and cayenne pepper.  It was actually pretty good!  (who would have though Apple Cider Vinegar is palatable???)  Breakfast is a smoothing made with Keifer and strawberries.  I’m sticking with my Plexus plan also (pink drink FTW!) so I added Plexus powder in with  my smoothie. Oh my goodness!  It was amazing!  I could drink this every morning!

Lunch is a combo of veggies with lime juice and other random ingredients.  It doesn’t seem appetizing at all, so I’m going off plan already and eating all of the ingredients without mixing in my blender.  This leaves Kale and water to mix together and guzzle.  So be it!

Dinner is poop colored and my kids are scared!  Banana and “chocolate” smoothie– could use some sweetener, but it’s definitely something I can drink without having to plug my nose.

Double ball games tonight – my youngest is enjoying Skittles and popcorn -and I’m jealous.  By the time we start heading home, it’s past 9pm and I’m STARVING!  Hoping my pre-bed time chaser will curb my rumbling tummy.  1/3 of the way done! I’m sticking with it for you – even though I really want to run to the local bakery for a yummy donut…..with glaze…and filling – never mind!  Healthy is in!!  Sugar is OUT!

If you like healthy and sweet, be sure to give Shakeology a try!  I miss it already...